loving this week: plant filled rooms

Isn’t there just something magical feeling about a space filled with plants?  Maybe it’s because I’ve learned to take better care of mine lately (haven’t killed any in quite a while!) or maybe it’s that I’m so over the dreary days and craving Spring and more life, but I’m really loving this look right now.


Happy Spring!  Are you as excited as I am that it’s officially here?

from my yard

(from my yard)

I am looking forward to many things in the new season! Yesterday I did a whole lot of cleaning and today I’m celebrating by making this vegan Irish stew to share with friends.  Also my birthday tomorrow and then my guys on Sunday!  On days in between rainy ones, I will be working on building my garden.  I’m planning a container garden for veggies, moss and rock gardens for our very neglected yard who can no longer seem to grow grass (the woes of a rental..), all with bee and butterfly attracting flowers dispersed throughout.  I never did get to my black plants last year so I’m hoping to incorporate some of those as well.  I’m also looking forward to bring a little of the outdoors in in the form of adding to my kitchen herb garden, natural tabletops for entertaining friends, and sweet smelling flowers.

I decided to make a little Spring mood board to keep me inspired!  What are you looking forward to this Spring?

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